Sunday 24 April 2011

Fitness: why is it important?

                                                   Fitness: Why is it important for everyone?

Physical fitness is a must for all age groups. No matter which back ground you belong to it has become a neccessity to take care of one's body. Whether you are skinny or over weight exercise helps improve your physical fitness in ways unimagineable.

Regular exercise not only imrpoves your fitness but also increases the stamina so that you have the ability to do more work using less energy. Besides this better fitness helps in making sure that you live a healthy and peaceful life in old age. So you wont face dieases like high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, diabetes and other heart diseases.

Rememebr not having a great fitness level means you will end up having a flabby body, with thick layers of fat, having breating problems and you will not be as active. Diet is also very essential  to get better fitness so you need to make sure you only take in what you can use otheriwse it will be stored as fat. We all know how bad it is to be over weight but you need to undersatnd that its not good being skinny either.So if you think your skinny and you do not need to work out think again. I know many skinny people not having the right fitness level, who have osteoarthritis which makes the bones weak and brittle some people even have diabetes. So dont make fun of the chubby chick standing next to you cos she might live longer compared to you and have a better fitness.

Daily exercise provides better fitness so that you can make your muscles and bones stronger, increase your range of movement to make you more flexible and give you the perfect weight. I know it wont be easy but you need to stick around and hang in there because eventually you will reach that fitness level. So whether you are over weight, skinny or pregnant i will make sure that i give you all the information you need to get a better and fitter version of yourself.

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